The following links are currently available to access a shared breathing space.
If you can't find a time suitable for your timezone, please Contact Us to offer a suggested time that you could share with your local community and personal networks. New links will be listed progressively as the Breath of Love community grows.
Active links;-
Recurring weekly at 21:30/09:30 PM Adelaide, Australia (GMT+10:30)
13:00 Cape Town, South Africa (GMT+2)
06:00 Montreal, Canada and New York, USA (GMT-5)
11:00 London, UK (GMT)
12:00 Rome, Italy (GMT+1)
22:00 Sydney, Australia (GMT+11)
Meeting ID: 872 9841 8017
Passcode: 979528
Recurring weekly at 21:30/09:30 PM Adelaide, Australia (GMT+10:30)
13:00 Cape Town, South Africa (GMT+2)
06:00 Montreal, Canada and New York, USA (GMT-5)
11:00 London, UK (GMT)
12:00 Rome, Italy (GMT+1)
22:00 Sydney, Australia (GMT+11)
Meeting ID: 872 9841 8017
Passcode: 979528